Our best wishes for this holiday season!

A few days ago we had our Christmas Celebration at Eco Divers. It has been a very nice evening, many members of our team were there and it was a touching moment. Some prayers, songs and good food made it the best night of the year for our team, as we won't have the possibility [...]

By |2015-12-24T11:32:18+00:00December 24th, 2015|Eco Divers, Eco Divers Lembeh, Eco Divers Manado, Eco Divers Resort Lembeh, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Our best wishes for this holiday season!

Dema is over, see you all next year in Las Vegas.

And also this year we packed our stuff and we are going back home. It has been a very good show, a nice opportunity to see a lot of old friends and make new one. On Friday afternoon at the Indonesian pavilion we had a great cocktail party, with 4 dancers from Manado who did [...]

By |2015-11-08T17:42:45+00:00November 8th, 2015|Eco Divers, Eco Divers Lembeh, Eco Divers Manado, Eco Divers Resort Lembeh, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Dema is over, see you all next year in Las Vegas.

Photo 28: Frogfish couple by Jade Higby

If you like this photo, please click on the star to help the photographer to win a great prize! If you would like to enter a photo as well, click here for more info!   [ratings]   And if you want to take amazing photos of the indopacific marine life, the gorgeous coral reefs of [...]

By |2017-01-25T14:54:39+00:00June 27th, 2015|Eco Divers, Eco Divers Lembeh, Eco Divers Resort Lembeh, photo contest, prize, Uncategorized, UW Photography|Comments Off on Photo 28: Frogfish couple by Jade Higby
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