Ladies, dive and eat and stay for free with Eco Divers!

Ladies, Eco Divers wants to celebrate Padi Women's Dive Day with a special gift for you! Either you are already or you are not a diver yet, we have something amazing to offer to you. If you are a diver you could dive, eat and stay for free on 16 July! If you are not [...]

By |2016-06-20T13:37:54+00:00June 16th, 2016|Courses, Eco Divers, Eco Divers Lembeh, Eco Divers Resort Lembeh, Padi Women's Dive Day, Special Offer|Comments Off on Ladies, dive and eat and stay for free with Eco Divers!

Last week to enjoy the ADEX special offer!

Dear divers in Singapore, This is an opportunity you cannot miss, you still have time till 2 May to book a dive trip with Eco Divers Lembeh, at a very special price, 6 days/5 nights at USD 645/SGD 871 only! Please check our offer's terms and conditions. The offer includes 4 days of diving, but [...]

By |2016-04-26T10:05:44+00:00April 26th, 2016|Dive Show, Eco Divers, Eco Divers Lembeh, Eco Divers Manado, Eco Divers Resort Lembeh, Special Offer, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Last week to enjoy the ADEX special offer!
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